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Main Auditorium Balcony, Sunday 30 Jun 2024, 16:00  - ends at 18:14

"STRIKE: AN UNCIVIL WAR is a film I have been wanting to make for over a decade now. My mum grew up in a mining village in South Yorkshire, and I grew up very aware of the strength of that community. I turned 12 during the Strike and to see the destruction brought on by it was something I could only observe on television and through a child's lens, but over the years I have always been determined to revisit this period and go beyond the lazy headlines and official narrative of the time.

After making 'HILLSBOROUGH', I knew that 'STRIKE: AN UNCIVIL WAR', and in particular The Battle of Orgreave was next. There are so many similarities with Hillsborough and Orgreave – the cover up, the shifting of blame by the government and other instruments of the state. What has shocked me though was discovering the level of planning. From the very top. A government hell bent on destroying its own people. A very uncivil war if you like. And it is scandalous to discover how far they were prepared to go, in a 'democratic' country such as Britain, with results that continue to have an impact to this day.

I hope this film can continue to raise awareness and, in some way, shine a light on the justice denied."

Daniel Gordon, Director

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